February 22, 2013

Distinguising Devices

This is so easy to do that I'm almost embarrassed to post this! : )  Do you have more than one iPad or device in your home or classroom?  My husband and I do and if our covers are off of them, I always have to figure out which one is mine and which one is his.  The following is a VERY simple way to distinguish between devices.  (I'm sure some of you have already figured this out. : )  In your classroom, you can number them (as seen below) or you can put one of your family member's name on them and set that as the screen saver. Simply take a picture of what you want as your screen saver, go to Settings -> Brightness and Wallpaper -> Camera Roll and choose the picture you'd like.  You can then set the picture for the lock screen, the home screen or both.

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