November 06, 2013

High School and College Apps

Staff Writ­ers from wrote an arti­cle and I thought I would share part of it with you. They noted, “While the lap­top remains the tech tool of choice for most high school and col­lege stu­dents, many are embrac­ing portable and inno­v­a­tive tablets like the iPad. Since its release in 2010, the iPad has taken the tech mar­ket by storm and become a pop­u­lar, edu­ca­tional and fun tool for both teach­ers and stu­dents alike. It is increas­ingly infil­trat­ing col­lege edu­ca­tion, with some schools en offer­ing free iPads for enrollees.”  LOVE it!!
 The Ele­ments: A Visual Exploration The peri­odic table has never looked as glam­orous as it does in this app. Amaz­ing pho­tos of all of the ele­ments will make you actu­ally want to learn more about chemistry.
Instapaper  Found a great article but don't have time to read it now?  No problem.  Instapaper lets you save it for later so you can read it right from your iPad.  No wifi needed.
TED  No mat­ter what field you’re pur­su­ing your degree in, you’re bound to find cutting-edge and thought-provoking lec­tures on this site’s application

iSource MLA Need to check and make sure you’re using appro­pri­ate MLA style? No wor­ries, this appli­ca­tion will ensure you never lose points on a works cited. If your classes don’t use MLA, there’s also an APA ver­sion available. How many times have you had class read­ings given in PDF form? Now, with GoodReader, you can bring those read­ings with you, take notes, and high­light in one easy place. For stu­dents who have trou­ble remem­ber­ing due dates, this appli­ca­tion can be a life­saver. Sim­ply enter in your assign­ments for each class, and the app will help you track them.

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